What Rhymes with Reason Affiche de film

What Rhymes with Reason

  • Genre: Drama

  • Director: Kyle William Roberts
  • Producer(s): Kim Dawson, Jacob Ryan Snovel, Kyle William Roberts
  • Writer(s): Sean Thiessen
  • Length: 1h 43m
  • Le Score Rotten Tomatoes®
    Audience Score 94%


Tragedy ignites a group of teens to find a legendary landmark hidden in the wilderness. Together, they navigate the adventure while confronting the darkness within themselves. Channeling teen classics like The Goonies and The Breakfast Club, the story wrestles with depression, anxiety, doubt, and identity. What Rhymes with Reason sparks a fun and emotional tale of hope for teens and families of the social media age, reminding everyone that no one has to struggle alone.


Gattlin Griffith, Ricardo Hurtado, Giselle Torres, LaRonn Marzett, Katie Burgess
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