You're Sleeping Nicole Affiche de film

You're Sleeping Nicole

Tu dors Nicole

  • Release Date: October 17, 2014 (limited)
  • Genre: Drama

  • Director: Stéphane Lafleur
  • Producer(s): Luc Déry, Kim McCraw
  • Writer(s): Stéphane Lafleur
  • Studio: Les Films Séville
  • Length: 1h 33m | Classification: G
Read in French


It's summer and Nicole, who lives in a small town in Quebec, doesn’t really have much to do. Her parents are out of town travelling, so when she’s not working at her part time job at a dollar store, Nicole wastes time with her best friend Veronica. Her older brother Remi and his two musician buddies suddenly return, and with his bandmates, take over the family bungalow to begin rehearsing in anticipation of a recording contract. To escape Remi, Nicole convinces Veronica to run away with her to Iceland, but they have a falling out, which puts a halt to their plans.


Julianne Côté, Catherine St-Laurent, Francis La Haye, Simon La Rouche, Godefroy Reding, Marc-André Grondin
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