Labrecque, une caméra pour la memoire

Labrecque, une caméra pour la memoire

  • Release Date: January 12, 2018 (limited)
  • Genre: Documentary

  • Director: Michel La Veaux
  • Producer(s): Nathalie Cloutier
  • Writer(s): Michel La Veaux
  • Studio: NFB
  • Length: 1h 34m | Classification: G
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Director Michel La Veaux paints a portrait of his illustrious colleague and predecessor Jean-Claude Labrecque. The highlights of his filmography, covering more than 50 years are evoked, with excerpts from Gilles Groulx's Chat dans le sac (1964), La visite du Général De Gaulle à  Québec, (1967), Jeux de la XXIe Olympiad ( 1977), À hauteur d’homme (2003) and a dozen other important works.

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