The Great Darkened Days

La grande noirceur

  • Release Date: January 25, 2019 (limited)
  • Genre: Drama

  • Director: Maxime Giroux
  • Producer(s): Sylvain Corbeil, Nancy Grant
  • Writer(s): Simon Beaulieu, Maxime Giroux, Alexandre Laferrière
  • Studio: FunFilm
  • Length: 1h 35m | Classification: 13+
Read in French


In order to escape conscription, Philippe sets out on the road in the direction of the western United States. Passing through a small town, the Quebecker wins a Charlie Chaplin impersonator contest and earns a nice sum, only to be robbed by thugs.

Broke and hungry, he wanders through vast desert and inhospitable expanses before crossing paths with a jovial impresario who seems like a nice guy, but first impressions turn out to be deceiving. Afterwards, Philippe falls prey to a strange woman with a dog fetish and winds up in the hands of a sinister man who deals in human trafficking and torture.

Deciding to return home, Philippe makes a stop in a ghost town populated by strange characters living in the cellar of an abandoned hovel.


Martin Dubreuil, Reda Kateb, Sarah Gadon, Romain Duris, Soko
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