Avec un sourire, la révolution!

Avec un sourire, la révolution! (v.o.f.)

  • Release Date: February 1, 2019 (limited)
  • Genre: Documentary

  • Director: Alexandre Chartrand
  • Producer(s): Philippe-A. Allard, Marco Frascarelli, Éric Piccoli, Félix Rose
  • Writer(s): Alexandre Chartrand
  • Studio: K-Films Amérique
  • Length: 1h 27m
Read in French


Four decades after the death of the Spanish dictator Franco — but not the end of Francoist Spain, the forces of Catalan society unit in order to organize a referendum on self-determination. Workers, artists, students and elected officials take to the streets and prepare to hold this historic vote, despite the firm ban of the Spanish government, which threatens them with violent repression.

And yet, these militant citizens parade in peace, armed with a simple smile and their faith in peaceful resistance.

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