Ex-File 3: Return of the Exes Affiche de film

Ex-File 3: Return of the Exes

  • Release Date: December 29, 2017 (limited)
  • Genre: Comedy, Romance

  • Director: Tian Yusheng
  • Writer(s): Tian Yusheng
  • Studio: China Lion Film Distribution
  • Length: 2h 00m | Classification: G


The third and final film of the hugely popular EX-FILE series sees buddies Meng Yun (Han Geng) and Yu Fei (Ryan Zheng Kai) break up with their girlfriends and indulge themselves in living the bachelor lifestyle again. However, as their ex-girlfriends re-emerge in their lives, their "Single Plan" starts to unravel!


Ryan Zheng Kai, Han Geng, Zeng Mengxue, Luo Mi
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