Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont Affiche de film

Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont

  • Release Date: April 13, 2007
  • Genre: Comedy, Drama

  • Writer(s): Ruth Sacks
  • Studio: Claremont Films
  • Length: 1h 48m
  • Official Site:


All but abandoned by her family in a London retirement hotel, Mrs. Palfrey strikes up a curious friendship with a young writer, Ludovic Meyer. Fate brings them together after she has an accident outside his basement flat. The two newly found friends discover they have a lot more in common with each other then they do with other people their own age.

Ludovic inadvertently leads Mrs. Palfrey through her past; Mrs. Palfrey inadvertently leads Ludovic to his future.

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