Nous sommes les autres

Nous sommes les autres

  • Release Date: November 10, 2017 (limited)
  • Genre: Drama

  • Director: Jean-François Asselin
  • Producer(s): Pierre Even
  • Writer(s): Jean-François Asselin, Jacques Drolet
  • Studio: Les Films Séville
  • Length: 1h 49m
Read in French


Architect Frédéric Venne is recovering from a serious depression, caused by a painful personal bankruptcy, when he is offered the chance of a lifetime: to take over the creative planning of an art center as part of a prestigious international competition.

However, he will have to do the work in the name and in the shadow of the great Alexandre Picard, the firm's star architect, who disappeared suddenly with several valuable objects. Meanwhile, Alexandre’s wife Myriam is mystified by her husband’s disappearance and calls Robert Laplante, a claims adjuster, for help.

Fascinated by this mysterious woman, Robert agrees to investigate.


Émile Proulx-Cloutier, Pascale Bussières, Jean-Michel Anctil, James Hyndman, Valérie Blais
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