The Postman's White Nights

Les nuits blanches du facteur (v.o.s.-t.f.)

  • Release Date: June 16, 2017 (limited)
  • Genre: Drama

  • Director: Andrey Konchalovskiy
  • Producer(s): Andrey Konchalovskiy, Evgeniy Stepanov
  • Writer(s): Andrey Konchalovskiy, Elena Kiseleva
  • Studio: Laboratoire de divertissement Canado-Russe inc.
  • Length: 1h 41m | Classification: G
Read in French


Lyokha delivers mail by motorboat to the locals living on the banks of Lake Kenozero in a remote area of Russia. Each of his days are routine, with few variations. In the village, Lyokha delivers a letter to Irina, his former high school crush. In order to impress her, Lyokha takes Irina’s young son Timur on a fishing trip on his boat.

One morning, as Lyokha prepares to start his mail route, he discovers the motor from his boat has been stolen. Unable to afford a new one, he can’t do his job and doesn’t know what to do. To make matters worse, Irina has decided to move away.


Aleksey Tryapitsyn, Irina Ermolova, Timur Bondarenko, Viktor Kolobkov, Viktor Berezin, Tatyana Silich
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