Trouble in Mind Affiche de film

Trouble in Mind


The time is The Future: the place is Rain City, formerly Seattle. The city is a police state, while the citizens have adopted the manner and dress of 1940s gangsters. Recently released from prison, ex-cop Kris Kristofferson tries to touch base with his ex-girlfriend Genevieve Bujold, who runs a 1950s-style cafe.

Hoping to make up for past sins, thereby redeeming himself in Bujold's eyes, Kristofferson endeavors to save innocent, newly arrived couple Keith Carradine and Lori Singer from the evil designs of crooked Joe Morton.

Trouble in Mind strives mightily for a film noir ambience, right down to the presence of a sinister, Greenstreetesque fat man, played in male drag (for a change) by Divine. The title tune for Trouble in Mind is sung over the credits by Marianne Faithful.


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